Taste of the british

Taste of the british

"Aubrey darling, i would like you to meet Mrs.Caroline Nash" I looked up and was throw back, Caroline was beautful, with violent green eyes and the palest skin. "pleased to meet you" she said as she held out her hand and i kissed it lightly. "the Plesure is all mine" i wispered. "Mrs.Nash is visting us for the night, her husband the famous playwrite is one of your fathers old friends" I nodded at my mother and at Caroline, she gave me a coy smile and said " my husband has talked about you Mr.Summers, i feel as if i know you allready." she was American the lightest accent that made my want to reach out and touch her "Mrs.Nash is from New York, her Husband is here promoting a play that is going to preview tomorrow night, Dinner is in 2 hrs, i say we should got to our rooms and relax till them." Mrs.Summers leads Caroline out of the room, im left there still in shock.

as i pass my the garden window i see Caroline in the sunroom, i enter "are you ok Mrs.Nash" she turns and the late sun is like a Halo around her "please, dont call me that, lets not be so formal, please its Caroline" "ok" i shuffle nerverlously "caroline" She smiles and walkes over to me a takes my arm "im very glad to meet you, your very handsome indeed." I blush as she leads us over to a selcuded couch, we sit. "May i call you Aubrey, i hate all this formailty, all these pompus stuffed shirts, living lies," she Grins at me "i at least live an intresting lie" i look puzzled "oh its about my husband, he is a homosexual, ours is a marrige of convience." i must look shocked because she puts her hand to my face and traces the outline of my mouth "everying is fine, i live my life he lives his." she leans closer and kisses me, a deep and dark kiss that pulls me into her, our tounges touch and i pull back. she licks her lips "ive never tasted british before" she giggles and walks out of the room

I try and ignore her all night, through dinner and small party afterwards, she sparkles and looks even more... Læs hele novellen

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